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John Lefevre 約翰·勒費夫爾經典語錄


Most people don't understand that God cast them as extras in this movie.絕大多數人都不懂上帝是讓他們來這個世界跑龍套的。

John Lefevre 約翰·勒費夫爾經典語錄

It’s pretty amazing how many people in Chengdu say their name is Ross, Rachel, Chandler, or Monica.你會吃驚在成都有多少人說他們叫Ross,Rachel,Chandler或者Monica。(Friends看多了)

MD#1:I would vote for Obama… just to watch him age for another 4 years.經理#1:我還是會投票奧巴馬連任的,想看他快速衰老多4年。

If people never trust a skinny chef, they shouldn’t want their bankers to be poor.如果人們不相信一個瘦廚師會做出好吃的東西,那他們不應該希望他們的銀行家窮呀。

Watching how someone behaves at an open bar tells you everything you need to know about them.觀察一個人在酒吧裡的表現能告訴你關於那個人的一切。

Some of the best moments in life are the ones you can't tell anyone about.一些你人生當中最美妙的瞬間是不可以告訴給其他人的。

My 3 favorite lies are 'I'm sorry,' 'Just kidding,' and,'We should get together some time.'我最喜歡的三句謊言:1. ‘對不起’;2. ‘開玩笑的’;3. ‘我們應該抽時間出來聚聚’。

The only reason I have a home phone is so I can find my cell phone.我會在家裡裝電話的唯一原因是,那樣可以找到我的手機。

Almost time for children to learn a valuable life lesson. Santa loves rich kids more.(聖誕臨近)是時候給小朋友上寶貴的一課了,聖誕老人是比較愛那些有錢人孩子的。

Linsanity is destroying my basketball league. Every Asian kid thinks they’re 6 inches taller all of a sudden.林來瘋(林書豪)徹底毀了我們的籃球隊了。每個亞裔小朋友都彷彿一夜之間高了6寸似的。

ED#1 (to 1st year Analyst):I would agree with you, but then we’d both be fucking wrong.執行總裁對新人說:我如果同意你的說法,那樣就說明我們領導都錯了呀。

if you have a job where you have to wear a nametag, nobody gives a shit what your name is.如果你有份工作需要帶名牌,那就表明其實沒人管你你叫什麼鳥。