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Taylor Swift經典語錄

Taylor Swift經典語錄


This love is alive back from the dead,oh這份愛曾讓我重生These hands had to let it go free只是我已不能再牽起你的手And this love came back to me已逝之愛的潮汐向我湧來This love left a permanent mark這份愛留下一個永久的傷疤This love is glowing in the dark這份愛是黑夜裡的一盞明燈

And I know it's long gone and there was nothing else I could do我知道時光已遠去,也知道我的無能為力

When you find everything you looked for,I hope your life leads you back to my front but if it don't,stay beautiful.(若你得到了你想要的一切,但願生活能把你帶回我的門前。如果這一切無法實現,請一直美好下去吧。)

And I forget about you long enough to forget why I needed to我已經忘記你足夠長的時間,都忘了當初為什麼要去忘記你了

The way you move is like a full on rainstorm你的一舉一動都如暴風雨般讓我刻骨銘心And I'm a house of cards而我就像紙牌搭起的房子脆弱,輕易被攻陷Drop everything now不顧一切Meet me in the pouring rain與我相約在傾盆大雨中Kiss me on the sidewalk在街邊忘情擁吻Take away the pain帶走所有的痛楚Cause' I see sparks fly whenever you smile因為我看見,你的微笑如煙花飛舞般燦爛

Time won't fly, it's like I’m paralyzed by it是時光停滯了,還是我麻痺了?I'd like to be my old self again我還是願意做曾經的那個我But I’m still trying to find it但我也還在找尋著After plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own那些穿格子襯衫的時光,是你曾把我當成自己的一部分的時光

Loving him is like trying to change your mind once you're already flying through the free fall愛他的感覺猶如墜入深淵時卻尋不到迴路Like the colors in autumn so bright just before they lose it all猶如秋天那抹在失*黯淡前無比豔麗的*幕

I think, I think when it’s all over, it just comes back in flashes. 我想,當這一切的一切都已經結束時,這些回憶還是會歷歷在目。You know, it’s like a kaleidoscope of memories.你知道的,就是那種萬花筒般的回憶,被無限放大和複製。But it just all comes back.就這樣一幕幕回放。But he never does.可真實的他,從未回到我身邊。

please don't be in love with someone se don't have somebody waiting on you.”請求著還沒有人和你一起墜入愛河,請求著你身旁還沒有照顧你的人。

You belong with me【我們惺惺相惜】You belong with me【註定天生一對】

We were both young when I first saw you 當我第一次看見你的時候,我們都還年輕 I close my eyes and the flashback starts 我閉上眼睛,一幕幕往事又在腦海中重現 I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air 我站在陽臺上,空氣裡,濃濃的,是夏天的味道 See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns 看見燈火,看見熱鬧的舞會,華麗的盛裝

Wind in my hair, I was there風吹過我的長髮,我在你面前I remember it all too well.這一切都記憶猶新