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Why love was so hurt, Because it's is true love. 為什麼愛是如此的傷心。因為它是真正的愛情。

“If this is love,take it does it hurt so much?"如果這是愛情,帶走它吧。為什麼它總讓人如此心痛? "Because it's true."因為它很真實。

One day I’ll remember. Remember everything that happened: the good, the bad, those who survived… and those that did not. 日後我仍會記得所發生過的一切:好的,壞的,誰還在……和誰已經不在了。

“如果這就是愛情我寧願不要,為什麼讓人如此心痛?” “因為它是真的。”

If more people valued home above gold, the world would be a merrier place. 如果有更多的人把家園看得比金錢重要的話,那麼這個世界將會變成一個更美好的地方。

Go back to your books and your armchair, plant your trees and watch them grow. 你可以坐在扶手椅上繼續讀你的書,種你的樹,看著它們長大。

As the snowflakes cover my fallen brothers 紛紛白雪沒去 我逝去的兄弟 I will say this last goodbye 我將道出 最後的道別


塔瑞爾:“他是你的父王。” 萊戈拉斯:“他是我的父王,但他不能主宰我的心。”

如果哪天你們路過袋底洞 下午茶是四點,茶點管夠 隨時歡迎你們,來的時候不用敲門。

Does a word mean nothing?難道一個承諾什麼一文不值?

You think it is love?Are you ready to die for it?