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5、The TM 333 2m2 will power the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) Chetan and Cheetal helicopters.

7、Compared to NHAL, HAL has a high incidence of outer marrow infiltration, leukocyte stasis syndrome, DIC and early mortality rate.


11、The donors and the recipients were matched on three HLA loci ( HAL A and B and DR), and in same ABO blood groups typing.


15、總結:在調查月球上一塊黑石發出的奇怪訊號時,“探索者一號”上的宇航員發現隨行的人工智慧超級電腦(代號HAL 9000)出現功能失效。

17、用蒼白的話語道不出 與你共度的時光 真的好幸福我對你來說 可能什麼忙都幫不上 但我永遠不會忘記 拉起要摔倒的我時 你手心的溫暖 即使從今往後活在這個沒有你的世界 假若不覺中我已身在夢裡 那我更喜歡這個閉上眼 就能想起你的現在 即使天涯海角 縱使無法再見 我心裡也永遠都是你 永遠注視著你 不論何時 只要你想起我 我都在你身旁 即使從今往後活在這個沒有你的世界 假若不覺中我已身在夢裡 那我更喜歡這個閉上眼 就能想起你的現在 即使從今往後活在這個沒有你的世界 我也希望你能獲得過的幸福 假如你還需要我 論何時我都會用笑容陪伴在你身旁 ~~永不終止的詩 春HAL


2、Dave Bowman: Where the hell'd you get that idea, HAL?

4、The Correlation between TCM Syndrome Type of Vitiligo and HAL-DQB1 Alleles;

8、The software structure is made up of device driver, hardware abstract layer (HAL), visual machine (VM) and reading ZIF file.

12、After the successful road test, the HAL robot suit invented by the University of Tsukuba's research team successfully reached the summit in France.

16、熟悉CC 2540BLE的軟體體系結構,包括OSAL*作系統抽象層、HAL硬體抽象層、BLE協議棧、配置檔案、應用,以及這些模組如何一起工作。

3、At last, we introduce the realization of HAL interruption and FAT32 file system.

10、We want our "smart computers" to engage with us linguistically like HAL did in Stanley Kubrick's 2001 — well, except for the murderous rampage part.

1、HAL High Altitude Low Opening.



標籤:HAL 造句