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“Gliese 581”造句,怎麼用Gliese 581造句


5、天文學家在Gliese 581周圍已經發現了六顆行星——除了我們的太陽系之外,Gliese 581是人類發現行星最多的行星系。

7、但是Gliese 581e和Gliese 581d這兩顆類地行星的發現勾起了公眾無窮的想象力,它們都位於Gliese 581的軌道之上,而且處於宜居帶中。

9、Previously discovered planets have had masses more akin to Jupiter's. The planets orbit the same star and are known as Gliese 581c and Gliese 581d.

11、這張照片是NASA 2007年拍攝的,其中最明亮的星體便是Gliese 581,它距地球20光年,是太陽系最近的鄰居之一。

13、'The Gliese system is particularly exciting to us as it's very close to Earth, relatively speaking. So with future generations of telescopes, we'll be able to search for life on Gliese 581d directly.

15、有可能維持生命存在的Gliese 581g為第四顆行星。

17、The 'exoplanet' Gliese 581d has conditions that could support Earth-like life, including possible watery oceans and rainfall.

19、Second, winds would distribute heat from the permanent day side of Gliese 581d to the permanent night side, preventing freeze-out.

21、As Pierrehumbert emphasizes, neither Gliese 581d nor the hypothetical worlds he's talking about necessarily have life - or are even necessarily hospitable to it.

23、只有另外一顆名叫Gliese 581d的行星,有希望成為超級地球,它是2007年被同一群天文學家檢測到的。

25、Roughly three times more massive than Earth, the planet Gliese 581g is tidally locked to its star, which means that one side is perpetually basked in daylight and the other is in constant darkness.

27、這顆和地球大小相當的星球被起名叫做Gliese 581g,它在太空中的位置足夠適合液態水的存在,因此,很可能這個星球上存在生命體。

1、Gliese 581 is a red dwarf star 20.5 light-years from Earth.

3、早先在Gliese 581周圍發現的五顆行星以b到f來命名,最新的一顆則被命名為Gliese 581g。

6、But the discovery of Earth-like planets around Gliese 581 - both 581e and 581d, which was in the habitable zone - has also caught the public imagination.

10、瑞士的一組天文學家認為他們在圍繞恆星Gliese 581運動的軌道上發現了一顆巖狀行星,距地球約有20光年。

14、然而,Gliese 581g 距離地球20光年。

18、There is just one other potential super-Earth, known as Gliese 581d, which was detected by the same astronomers in Chile in 2007.

22、即使人們最終發現Gliese 581c上面並沒有什麼小綠人,我們有的是時間。

26、根據這一理論,象Gliese 581c這麼大尺寸和體積的行星應該象地球一樣,岩石很多。

Gliese 581造句

2、Gliese 581系統的行星軌道與太陽系的比較圖。

8、Unlike the sun, whose density is such that it supports nuclear fusion that generates bright sunlight, Gliese 581 is a red dwarf, so-called because the star is small and dim.

16、In May, French astronomers identified Gliese 581d, pronounced “gleezer”, which is far closer at around 20 light years away.

24、和從前發現的行星不同,Gliese 581g幸運的正好落在了適合生命繁衍的區域。

4、這顆行星所繞行的是一顆暗淡的紅矮星,距地球20光年遠,名為Gliese 581

20、That's what a French team did for the planet Gliese 581d, which orbits a red dwarf star about 20 light-years from Earth.

12、Gliese 581是一顆已經接近生命終點的紅巨星,星光十分暗淡,在沒有天文望遠鏡的情況下,從夜空中根本無法看到。

28、以上說到的行星沒有一個像Gliese 581g——一個軌道是地球三倍的滿是岩石的世界——還有五個姊妹行星——一個距地球20光年的紅矮星。

標籤:造句 Gliese