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5、I saw the very dapper Rick Fox...

7、A dapper young man; a jaunty red hat.

9、He is a dapper little salesman in a business suit.

11、The decorative case is dapper. The decorative case has perfect visual effects on treasuring articles.

13、"A good-looking man; spruce and dapper, and very tidy" (Anthony Trollope).

15、His translator was an odd little man with a moustache and a dapper suit, whose cell phone kept ringing.

17、The older generation doesn't need a fictional TV character, however dapper, to convince them of the briefcase's charms.

19、As we descend from the train, a dapper man of about sixty takes Lisa's case from her, wincing when he feels the weight of it.

21、And my father was a very dapper man, he always dressed in double-breasted suit, his hair was perfectly combed. He always had a kerchief in his jacket.

1、Smartly attired; dapper.

3、What a dapper little man!

6、You're looking rather smart/dapper/glamorous.

10、Jesse and Dorothy March 3, 1926, looking dapper at a costume ball at their mansion "Evermore."

14、He was a dapper little Irishman, very vain, homely as a monkey.

18、Domestic media hungry for tidbits of information about the dapper new leader of Japan's main ruling party have zoomed in on his unusual suit trousers.

22、A new client, a dapper and charming Italian immigrant named Charles Ponzi, was raking in millions on promises to pay investors 50 percent interest in 45 days.

4、Crisp and dapper in appearance;natty.

12、They say this is what all the dapper young men in Memphis are wearing.

20、Six years earlier at Chicago's Columbian Exposition, for example, the dapper engineer had dazzled spectators by sending250,000- volt shocks coursing through his body.

8、His dapper self-confidence seemed impenetrable to such hints.


2、You're looking very dapper.

16、He had been a small, dapper man, successful in business when he was lucky and unsuccessful when he was not.

標籤:造句 dapper