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5、The main stadium, Soccer City in Johannesburg, is at 1701 metres.

7、Yale University is a leads located in Connecticut, new private University, Founded in 1701 years, Beginning name is" Collegiate School".

9、Besides this, a string of figures mark the number of female students at Yale each year since its founding in 1701.

11、This paper introduces the characteristics of 1701 virus, and its. infect path, diagnosis and removal method is also discussed in this paper.

13、As chancellor he claimed not only to have done away with "boom and bust", but also to have presided over the longest period of sustained growth since 1701.


17、耶魯大學(YaleUniversity)是一所坐落於美國康乃狄格州紐黑文市的私立大學,始創於1701年,初名“大學學院”(Collegiate School)。


21、1701 年(康熙四十年),康熙北巡途中,路過熱河地方,見到這裡群山綿延起伏,自然景*十分秀麗,甚是中意。


25、誰是*的第1批留學生呢?第1個人是谷若翰(外文名稱:Joannes Baptista Ku),1701年出生在順天府,1714年在*進入修道院,1717年宣發聖願,1723年到1724年到義大利,1734年1月17日被祝聖司鐸,同年回*,被派遣到四川和直隸傳教。他回來後為*教會服務近三十年,1763年1月25日在*去世。很遺憾,無論是車公莊外的天主教墓園(利瑪竇墓)還是原來正福寺的墓園(現在在五塔寺)都沒有“谷若翰”的墓碑——我們不知道*第1名去歐洲留學的人葬在哪裡。


2、Agricultural area: 1701 (1000 Ha).

4、Methods 1701 new college students were tested with UPI (University Personality Inventory) and Social Support Scale.

8、New Haven is the seat of Yale University, founded in 1701 and moved here permanently in 1716. Population, 130,474.

12、A Scottish sea captain who was hired to protect British shipping in the Indian Ocean and then was accused of piracy and hanged (1645-1701).



24、1701年,勃蘭登堡大選帝侯腓特烈三世(FriedrichIII,腓特烈?威廉之子)支援奧地利哈布斯堡王朝向法國波旁王朝宣戰,藉以換取國王稱號。1月18日,腓特烈三世在柯尼斯堡加冕成為普魯士國王腓特烈一世(FriedrichI),並從此展開了普魯士王國200多年的顯赫歷史。 由於繼承了條頓騎士團的*事*傳統,普魯士的*隊向來以紀律嚴明、教育素質高著稱,尤其是腓特烈二世(即腓特烈大帝)以驕勇善戰著稱。他在1740年繼承王位,即位7個月之後即進攻西里西亞,從而引發奧地利王位繼承戰爭。通過戰爭,腓特烈二世樹立了“*事天才”的個人榮譽,並將普魯士變為一個*事國家。

3、It actually dates back to at least 1701.

10、Buckingham Palace (1701): London residence of the British sovereign. It takes its name from the house Built there early in the 18th century for the dukes of Buckingham.


1、Year founded: 1701.

14、Dating to pre-Roman times, it was an important textile and commercial center during the Middle Ages. The Treaty of Utrecht ended the War of the Spanish Succession(1701-1713). Population, 230, 414.

6、His exploits eventually lead to his arrest, trial in London, and, in 1701, execution.

