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Every drop, Jacques, 'answered Monsieur Defarge.

Jacques Offenbach's real name was Jakob Wiener.

He's Jacques Five, and I'm appointed to meet you on Jacques Four.

The prime minister met with French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac.

My inspiration comes from poets like Baudelaire and Jacques Prévert.

"It is true what madame says," observed Jacques Three. "Why stop?

The Comparison of Thomas Hobbes,John Locks and Jean-Jacques Rousseau on Social Contract;

Through Jacques Cousteau's documentaries, the world saw the secrets of the oceans for the first time.

"It is a great pity," croaked Jacques Three, dubiously shaking his head, with his cruel fingers at his hungry mouth;

'Keep near to me, Jacques Three,' cried Defarge; 'and do you, Jacques One and Two, separate and put yourselves at the head of as many of these patriots as you can.

Following more than two hours of celebration and pageantry, International Olympic Committee president Jacques Rogge addressed the athletes.

Jacques發明了行動式水下呼吸器(SCUBA,selfcontainedunderwaterbreathing apparatus,),他還是拍攝自然紀錄片的先驅。

As the keeper of the wine-shop entered at the door, the spy saluted him by touching his hat, and saying, with an engaging smile, `Good day, Jacques!'

The first round of voting for 16 candidates takes place earlier, with the runoff poll between the two top contenders-expected to be conservative President Jacques Chirac and Socialist Prime Minister Lionel Jospin, on May 5.

Jacques Attali, head of an economic commission that advises Mr Sarkozy, said "chaos is staring us in the face", adding that he could not be sure the euro would survive until Christmas.

Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen is the sexiest man in Finland, French President Jacques Chirac said in off-the-cuff remarks recorded by television crews at a Europe-Asia summit in Helsinki.

不足為奇的是:早在1967年老邦戈自己是由戴高樂任命的,同樣地雅克·希拉剋(Jacques Chirac)在2005年支援了納*貝·埃亞德馬(Gnassingbé Eyadéma)將*的兒子。

Chanel香氛大師Jacques Polge以三年時間調製的Chance,是特別針對年青勇於嘗試、愛好幻想、熱情活氣、狂野卻又非常細的年青女*所設計。

????Il faudra que tu apprennes A perdre, à encaisser Tout ce que le sort ne t'a pas donné Tu le prendras toi-même Mais chaque victoire ne sera que la tienne Et toi seule en sauras le prix. ???? / Jean-Jacques Goldman- 你要學會承受失敗,接受不是命運交給你的東西。但你的每一次成功都只屬於你自己,也只有你自己知道成功的代價。

其實,*才懂什麼是愛。對*來說,愛就是全盤接受對方,沒有優點和缺點,絲毫不想去改變他;愛,對*來說,就是愛這個人who, 而不是他具有的特質:英俊瀟灑、學術權威、企業老總、高階要員、投資大王等等what。法國哲學家德里達(Jacques Derrida)認為,人類,作為一個整體而言,自從在一萬年前走進農業文明後兩*之間就沒有過真正的“愛”; 羅曼提克的愛(Romantic Love)不過在最近幾百年來應現代化經濟發展的需要,人為設定的社會構架(social construct),其目的讓婚姻可以能持續更久,這樣資本就把繁衍下一代僱傭勞工的成本完全外包,而利潤內化。


Work, Jacques, Jacques Two, Jacques One Thousand, Jacques Two Thousand, Jacques Five-and-Twenty Thousand;

Jacques Cousteau: The Sea King.

croaked Jacques Three, as he read greedily.

"Kill him!" croaked Jacques Three, who had come close up.

He is a good child, this mender of roads, called Jacques.

Jacques Rogge announced the tougher policy Friday in Osaka, Japan on the eve of the World Athletics Championship.

Yet this was largely a vote against an unpopular president, Jacques Chirac, and against the forces of globalisation.

At Jacques Torres Chocolates, the New York company owned by the former pastry chef at the restaurant Le Cirque 2000, the big seller is Wicked Hot Chocolate.


At a ceremony held in Kuwait City yesterday, Interna-tional Olympic Committee( IOC) President Jacques Rogge handed over a DaimlerChrysler minivan destined for the Iraqi National Olympic Committee to the President of the Olympic Council of Asia( OCA), Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah.

兩名法國經濟學家雅克•戴普拉(Jacques delpla)和查爾斯•維普羅斯(CharlesWyplosz)主張應該補償現有的服務提供商,以使他們接受競爭。

'Jacques One, Jacques Two, Jacques Three!

Jacques tasted one and nodded his approval.

Reconstruction of the Jacques Brel Vocational Middle School

President Saakashvili picked Zurabishvili, as new acting Georgian Foreign Minister after he cleared the appointment with French President Jacques Chirac.

預言家由Jacques Audia執導,他的才能在每一部新作中都得到了昇華。

The musical on the stage was too far-off for my sight or hearing. Among people covering the large slope, either reclining, sitting, or squatting on the grass in twos and threes, I intoned lines by Jacques Prevert the French poet.

'How goes it, Jacques?'

Jacques Rogge was Born on 2 May 1942 in Ghent, Belgium.

1775年,布香(Bouchon)和福爾肯(Falcon)的穿孔卡織布機出現了。後來,雅卡爾•德•沃康桑(Jacques deVaucanson)改善了這種織布機。

The Pioneer of the French Modern Landscape Architect Jacques Simon

法國好友Jacques Tardif開玩笑說:“兩百年前法國的蘋果有六百種,現在呢,三種。”菜餚,或是食材,顯然是不宜統一的。 講求劃一,講求高效率收成,則吃必然遭到簡化。速食店盛興之國,或大農場大牧場發達之地(美國最是),最沒法吃到好東西。

He knew, he told French television breezily, because he had himself served there for seven years as chief of staff to President Jacques Chirac.

標籤:造句 Jacques