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“Bob Barker”造句,怎麼用Bob Barker造句

Bob Barker造句

2、There were some philosophers writing about animal rights at the time, but Bob Barker was working in the trenches, and his efforts encouraged many of us who cared about animals.

1、Sea Shepherd's founder, Paul Watson, called on the Australian navy to protect the group's remaining ships, the Steve Irwin and a converted harpoon vessel, the Bob Barker.

3、“海洋守護者”的創始人保羅·沃森(Paul Watson)呼籲澳大利亞海*保護該組織的其他兩艘船艦:“史蒂夫歐文號”(Steve Irwin)和一艘改裝的魚叉船“鮑勃巴克號”(Bob Barker)。

標籤:造句 Bob barker