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Watch for the warning signs of an exhausted child.

She slept 12 hours a night, but was still exhausted.

If you have depression, you may feel exhausted, helpless, and hopeless.

When night fell it was not only the riot police who retreated, beaten and exhausted.

We have exhausted this subject; let's go on to the next.

Two weeks later, starving and exhausted, the family reached Cincinnati, where they made contact with members of the Underground Railroad.

The real test, though, is whether he has the tenacity to guide this exhausted city to its next chapter.

Some things, some past events, some feelings, if destined to lose touch with you, you can only brush past, so deliberate detainment will only be exhausted.

Toward the end of a fierce game, when everyone is nearly exhausted, who can clench ones teeth and hold on to the end is certainly a hero.

After helping a mother and her infant off a makeshift raft, an exhausted Magallanes was lost in the water, his body recovered the next day.

They looked gaunt and exhausted. Clad in authentic costume, they were cooking buckwheat pancakes at a remote log cabin and wiring the soles back on to their authentic boots.

In England this decline is often financially ruinous as well as traumatic: frail homeowners with no surviving spouse must pay eye-watering prices for care until their assets are all but exhausted.

We were all exhausted.

Restlessness or feeling keyed up or exhausted.

Some exhausted negotiators might count that a jolly good thing.

Jerry Gulley, the executive director, says his outfit's line of credit could be exhausted soon.

He must have been so exhausted from impressing her that when she finally gave in, he gave out.

Gideon and his three hundred men, exhausted yet keeping up the pursuit, came to the Jordan and crossed it.

"I was thinking, this place is for other kids, not mine," she recalls now, four years later. "I was terrified and exhausted."

On the campaign trail lately, Obama has been confronted by disillusionment — the woman who was “exhausted” defending him, the mother whose son campaigned for him but was now looking for work.


but too exhausted to move a finger,

These exhausted men carried the brunt of the war.

Finally, the horseman came to a point when he had covered a substantial area but was exhausted and dying.

"It was all over so quickly," she says. "Then we went on honeymoon and all I remember feeling is hollow and exhausted, as if I had been in a fight."

Finally, the young warrior exhausted himself.

My acquiescence to everything has meant that they are not only buzzing with e-numbers and sugar, but are exhausted, too.

There are plates of nuts and fruits and the governor, looking exhausted, nibbles ried apricot.

Though in the heat of anger they might find quarreling a great relief, when the quarrel was over they both felt exhausted and empty, the feeling one gets at the end of the opera or when one wakes from a drunken sleep.

標籤:造句 exhausted