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“autistic disorder”造句,怎麼用autistic disorder造句

autistic disorder造句

In the2001-02 school year, there were66 primary and secondary schools adopting the whole-school approach in supporting the integration of children with mild grade mental handicap, autistic disorder with average intelligence, visual impairment, hearing impairment and physical handicap.

"In order to get specialized services, often one-to-one education, a child must have a diagnosis of Asperger's or some other autistic disorder," he says.

兒童孤獨症(childhood autism或autistic disorder)是廣泛*發育障礙中最常見、最具有代表*的疾病,該疾病起病於嬰幼兒時期,以社會交往障礙、交流障礙、侷限的興趣及刻板與重複的行為方式為主要臨床表現,多數患兒伴有不同程度的精神發育遲滯。