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在我們成長的過程中,有過各種各樣的經歷,其中,“考試”也是一種經歷,“成績”更是一直“伴隨”着我們。爲使同學們學會客觀、理*地看待問題,九年級三班以“考試成績重要嗎,它是否等同於實際能力?”爲題展開了辯論。    假設你是正方或反方的一員( 只需選擇一方),請圍繞你的觀點,結合親身經歷來說服同學們。


要求: 1. 詞數不少於 80 詞; 2. 提示詞正、反方均可使用,僅供參考; 3. 文中不得出現真實的人名、校名。 Pros(正方) Cons(反方) __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________


I don’t think grades are important. Students have different abilities and some of them can’t be measured by grades, such as creativity, abilities to communicate and act.  To start with, I wasn’t good at English and seldom got high scores on the exams. But one day, my teacher encouraged me to perform in an English play because of my good pronunciation and lively expressions. To perform well, I studied my lines many times and even dressed up like the character. While we were performing, I could hear my classmates cheering. How excited! Later, my teacher praised me for my wonderful acting and this made me more confident and interested in English.  All in all, grades can be a way to measure students’ achievements in schoolwork. However, different interests and abilities can make a student a full man.

