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這種狂暴的快樂,往往預示着狂暴的結局。These violent delights have violent ends.那歡愉的剎那,正如火與火*。And in their triumph die,like fire and powder.一吻即逝…Which,as they kiss,consume.

“愛麗絲啊,你消失了,一切都消失了。我還能跟誰傾訴?我很迷茫。”“你離去,他也離去,你就這樣銷聲匿跡了。可是他殘留的氣息,依然無處不在,言猶在耳。”“而我的心,似是硬生生地被撕裂出一道傷口。”“但這也讓我慶幸。”“因爲這種痛徹心扉,能提醒我,他曾經真實存在過。”“你們曾真實存在過。” ……


“好了,夠了。”“什麼。”“你去傑克遜爾跟你媽媽一起住吧。”“我不要離開霍克斯鎮。”“貝拉啊,他不會回來了。”“我知道。” ……


I trust you, It's me I don't trust.I don't trust myself to be… enough. To deserve you. There's nothing about me that I could hold you.

And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore.

I could see it in your eyes, that you honestly believed that I didn't want you anymore. The most absurd, ridiculous concept—as if there were any way that I could exist without needing you!