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Today, many people are starving to death. Recently, a man who wanted to understand the conditions of such people  1    an experiment. He only ate one meal a day for a month but continued to work as he normally did.

       During the first five days he was _2_ at his regular mealtime, but after he had drunk a glass of water, his hunger __3_   . In the morning, when he ate his one meal, he ate quickly and had a_4   _ amount. During the next few days, he was not hungry during the day, but when he _5     a food stall (a place on which food is put to be sold), the smell of food caught his  6   . During the third and the fourth weeks, he had hunger pains and lacked physical strength. He looked forward to one meal and ate it slowly, enjoying every bite. Without it, he knew he would have hardly enough   7     to work.

       This experiment changed his attitude about some things. Having a cup of tea was not   8  a pastime(消遣). It also gave him strength. He more frequently noticed overweight people and people who threw away leftover food. He  9  the importance of food to hungry person. He could no longer easily pass by a hungry beggar on the street. But most ___ 10     , he could now sympathize(同情) in a similar way with the hungry people of the world.

1.  A. took along    B. carried out      C. put on        D. brought in

2.  A. hungry                B. angry         C. happy        D. excited

3.  A. came about        B. broke out          C. set off        D. went away

4.  A. small         B. ordinary      C. large         D. common

5.  A. noticed       B. watched          C. recognized     D. glanced

6.  A. interest       B. eyes              C. imagination      D. attention

7.  A. power                B. spirit               C. energy        D. feeling

8.  A. just           B. still                 C. yet               D. exactly

9.  A. admitted            B. realized          C. remember        D. valued

10.  A. seriously          B. luckily             C. necessary       D. important



知識點:人物傳記 故事閱讀類

