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根據提示, 利用本單元所學知識, 完成下面的小作文。

1. 奧運會是世界上最著名的運動會, 舉辦它對一個國家來說意義重大。(significance)

2. 運動員們把為民族贏獎牌當成一種榮譽。(honour)

3. 在2008年*奧運會開幕式上, 從火炬傳給李寧, 李寧點燃聖火開始, 我國體育健兒為金牌奮力競爭。(at the 2008 Beijing Olympics opening, attempt, compete for)

4. 他們在體*、舉重、*擊、乒乓球等比賽中獲得冠*, 這使得所有的*公民既高興又激動萬分。(championship, delight, excite)

5. 無論多麼艱難, 他們也要堅持。(no matter how, hang on)

6. 許多運動員通過自己的精*表現給觀眾帶來了許多的快樂。(it is. . . that)



It is of great significance for a country to host the Olympic Games, which is the best-known Games in the world. Athletes make it an honour to win medals for their nation. Since Li Ning was passed the torch on and lighted the flame at the 2008 Beijing Olympics opening, our athletes attempted to compete for medals. They won championship in gymnastics, weightlifting, shooting, ping-pong and other competitions, which made all the Chinese citizens delighted and excited. No matter how hard it is, they must hang on.

It is with their wonderful performance that many athletes bring joy to the audience.

