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“holistic view”造句,怎么用holistic view造句


It is getting half the result with twice the effort, even no any valuable result for improving it, when study durability of concrete structures by reductionism, but not by holistic view.

"But as an individual, you're the only one who is in a position to take a holistic view of your own health, to know all the forces--physical, mental, social, and economic, cultural--influencing your health. "

holistic view造句

In short we have a holistic view of Confucius and Mencius, not a word, or negate the overall positive.

The matrix will provide a holistic view of the impact of cloud enablement of different applications in an enterprise against different dimension and will aid in making an informed decision.

Only by gaining this holistic view can all relevant information be taken into account.

Taking the holistic view helps sharpen your intuition about the programming process and enables you to stand back from a program and say, “I understand what this program does.

Primary health care embraced a holistic view of health that went well beyond a narrow medical model.

标签:view 造句 holistic